Beginning with Adam and Eve
One of man kinds biggest challenges has been where to put the 💩. Before Septic Systems, civilizations lived near rivers as a source of water as well as a way to eliminate waste. It wasn’t until 1860 when a French engineer named Jean Loius Mouras invented the first known septic system. The system made from clay pipes and transported wastewater from his home to an underground tank. This tank held the wastewater and pushed the overflow waste into a cesspool.
It didn’t take long before American society adopted the use of the septic system. By the end of the 1940’s they could be found under millions of homes from coast to coast. American septic systems were constructed with concrete and steel which made them last longer than traditional European septic systems. Nowadays they are made with more advanced material like fiberglass and other plastics. Most modern systems are now installed with aerators which create septic friendly aerobic environments.
And then came awareness…
Possibly the most important development came with the awareness that routine maintenance is needed to keep Septic Systems in working order. In the old days, simply putting yeast in the system would help it perform well. However, as the bacteria in the septic has evolved so has the need to maintain them differently.
How to solve that problem
One of the easiest and most effective ways to maintain your septic system is by using Maxx’s Products’s Trillion Tablets. They’re the strongest septic treatment on the market and you only need to treat your septic once every three months. With Maxx’s Products’s Trillion Tablets your routine septic maintenance is even easier. Start treating your most expensive home appliance with the best in additives today! Click Here
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