When it comes to septic system care and maintenance, there are a lot of things you can do that can either help or hurt your septic tank. In order to prevent septic system malfunction which can lead to blockage, sewage backup, and costly repairs, you should implement the best care tips when dealing with the septic system on your property. Here are the principal dos and don’ts for your septic system:


  • Spread out activities that use water throughout the week rather than in a single sitting. This includes not running the dishwasher multiple times a day or doing several loads of laundry at the same time.
  • Keep a record of the layout of your septic system for future reference. It can come in handy the next time septic system repairs need to be made, such as tank pumping or a field repair.
  • Have a professional septic system service company pump out your septic tank on a routine basis.
  • Document any incident where a professional repair company performs maintenance on your septic system.
  • Take advantage of water-saving showerheads and low-flow toilets.
  • Ensure that siphons, pumps, and any moving parts of your septic system are functioning properly.
  • Note: Drains, showers, tubs, and sinks can build up noxious gases when rarely used. Run water through the pipes of these systems to prevent buildup of odors.


  • Overload your septic system with an excess volume of water.
  • Introduce harmful chemicals or substances into your septic system such as solvents, bleaches, oils, fats, grease, acids, dyes, or plastics.
  • Drive or allow anyone else to drive heavy vehicles or equipment over your septic drain field. This causes the soil to become compact, and crushes the pipes which could lead to major septic problems.
  • Plant trees, plants, or vegetation over your drainfield except grass. Also, do not cover your drainfield with concrete, asphalt, or any other impenetrable substance.
  • Allow signs of septic system malfunction to go unnoticed or untreated. A small septic problem can easily become a major ordeal if you allow it to go on unchallenged. Always contact a septic repair service at the first sign of septic buildup, odor, or malfunction.

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