Do you know the importance of keeping your clarifier clean? Failing to maintain your clarifier can lead to septic problems down the road; in fact, your system may even stop functioning altogether. To avoid expensive septic tank sludge or needing to replace your septic system entirely, you should consider keeping your clarifier in good condition.
A clarifier is one of the most commonly used methods of treating wastewater. Clarifiers consist of two systems: an effluent system and a sludge removal system. The effluent system is responsible for cleaning and decontaminating the water, while the sludge removal system takes care of processing the wastewater. The clarifier also consists of a component known as the drive unit. This powers the sludge and effluent system. It also keeps solids at the end of the septic tank. Overall, the clarifier is responsible for removing solids, bacteria, and organic materials from the wastewater.
Depending on the size and location of your clarifier, you may run the risk of algae growth. Algae is known to thrive during fluctuating weather conditions, and grows quickest in the summer heat. Be sure to check the surface area of your clarifier as well as the clarifier itself to prevent encouraging algae growth.
As you can see, the clarifier in your septic system plays a big role in keeping it clean by reducing contamination. When you fail to keep your clarifier clean, solids can have trouble settling in your septic tank. This is due to the formation of gas bubbles, which hold onto the particles and keep them in place. In addition, mechanical issues can occur, causing issues for the sludge. If the sludge can’t be released, it can rise to the water level of the clarifier, leading to a septic emergency.
If you are looking to avoid septic buildup, try using our green lineup of products. SepticMaxx Premium Products ease the pressure from your septic filter, help to minimize build-up, and can aid in drainage. For more information, call 800-397-2384 to speak with a septic professional.