Diseases from drinking water kill almost 2 million people a year around the world. Improper water sanitation is indirectly responsible for many of these deaths. Managing wastewater is crucial to preventing these numbers from rising further, and is just as relevant to your home as it may be to a more impoverished country or village. There are three types of wastewater treatment processes, but all have the same underlying goal: to remove contaminants and sewage from the water so that it may be usable for reuse or discharging. The 3 types of wastewater treatment processing facilities are sewage treatment plants, effluent treatment plants, and combined effluent treatment plants.
Sewage Treatment Plants
Sewage treatment plants are what are most commonly used to clean out the wastewater running out of your home. These plants remove the contaminants from the sewage and wastewater that exits households every day. The processes involved use chemical, physical, and biological contaminants. A strainer cleans out many of the larger objects carried by this water, while many of the smaller particles are controlled through chemical compounds. Much of the more significant waste collected by the strainer is then sent to a landfill. A typical septic tank helps reduce the workload of these strainers when maintained properly.
Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP)
Effluent treatment plants (ETP) are more chemically focused, as they are most often used by large industrial and pharmaceutical companies. Because these businesses work in industries that produce chemical runoff, an ETP’s goal is to purify water to help protect the environment. These facilities use evaporation and other drying methods as well as microscopic filtration to motivate the chemical processing.
Combined and Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP)
Smaller industries may not have the time, space, or finances to put up treatment systems of their own, so they rely on a combined networking system of plants to help clean out wastewater. Combined effluent treatment plants are often installed in industrial centers that create a pocket of pollution, designed to combat the reach of these company’s effects. The facilities are connected to prevent any one system from overworking itself while still effectively cleaning out the wastewater.
Your septic tank is not just an essential tool for keeping your home clean, it is also vital in environmental protection. A consistent cleaning out of your pipes and drains is one way to prevent waste from clogging up your septic tank. Take a look at our environmentally friendly products that can help clean out the clogs in your house’s drains with healthy bacteria.